We Will Remain friends

A recent incident triggered this emotional verbiage:

“We will remain friends…” - This is the phrase that’s buzzing around nowadays. Ostensibly, innocent, this phrase has the potential to hit hard and wreck emotional havoc. ‘Friendship’- the piety of which is being tarnished as well as distorted by some artful dodgers, who when done with someone, glozes this phrase, in a utilitarian way, just to get rid of him/her. Any relationship, when it ends, it just ends. And one should be diaphanous enough to say and accept so. Any circumlocution at such times only makes one appear vain than smart. When a person comes to realize that his/her hitherto dear one, one who has become a part of  life by then and in a way his/her world has started revolving round that person, is just trying to abandon him, can such an inane phrase like “we will remain friends” give any solace? Isn’t this the greatest derision of the word “friendship”? But then in today’s world of pervasive inanity, nobody seems to bother. It’s just the “chalta hain” (cool it!) attitude that pervades. Moving ahead to greener pastures, without looking back is the rule. With the fast life that is besetting our world in a steady fashion, more and more slapdash and sybarites are emerging every day, who only know how to get instant success with minimum effort, in every aspect of life, even in relationships. The more the merrier is the ‘funda’. Even school children compete with the number of boyfriends or girlfriends one can flaunt, and the most exponential one emerges as the most popular. What is most appalling is the evasive attitude towards this potential threat. No one, until he or she faces it, does realize the magnitude of harm it causes to one’s mental and emotional equilibrium and orientation. The intricate nexus that is normally formed in any relationship becomes so finely interwoven that, if anyone wants to break free, it leaves the other in utter dismay and chaos. This does not mean that relationships must continue even if it lacks compatibility. It should not. But then, while entering into one it’s sensible to give a little thought into it. Relationship driven by mindless lethal physical attraction, without mental compatibility is bound to fall flat. What is more shocking is the fact, that in many cases, apparently matured and experienced people indulge in such flimsy relationships and end up ‘being friends (??)’ in no time. The crux of the problem lies in the fact that there still exist some people in this earth who, though on the verge of being imperiled, happen to be intense and sensitive. And when one of them becomes the victim of such a bilk, the manifestation of the incident in his/her life occurs in a way that’s gravid with deep mental trauma and stress. Now, should we blame that person for being sensitive when insensitivity is the talk of the town? Its time, we cogitate a little on this impending evil named ‘inanity’ that’s crippling our society in an epidemic pattern. Success or moving ahead is definitely something to be coveted, but if that success incorporates deception and fowl play, it won’t be long before it backfires. There is one saying in Bengali- “pichone phelicho jaare seo tomare taniche poschate”- the person you are abandoning just to move ahead in life, also pulls you back in some way or other.

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